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General Tire

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General Tire Empty General Tire

Post  johnnie1 Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:04 pm

Have almost 8.000 miles on my C/T and so far it has performed great. Still have lots of tread left on it and I would be getting ready to put another M/T on. Like the performance of it.


Number of posts : 53
Location : water valley, ms
Registration date : 2011-07-11

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General Tire Empty Re: General Tire

Post  CutterDuck Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:42 am

Good deal!! I am running the Michelin and it didn't start to show much wear until around 12 or 13k and then it started wearing more quickly. Not sure if that was because I was twisting the wrist harder or just the point the tire started wearing quicker. Running mountain roads mostly. I pulled it off with 18K on it but still had some tread. Was headed to a DS ride in and wanted some fresh rubber!!

Number of posts : 71
Location : East Tennessee
Registration date : 2011-12-11

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